Upcoming Events


May 18

Painting Boldly and Intentionally from Life!

Hosted by: The Summerville Artist Guild

9:30 am to 3:30 pm

Stallsville United Methodist Church, Summerville, SC.

This workshop will address the iterative process of developing a painting from observation with intention.
Contact the Summerville Artist Guild at summervilleartistguild.net for details.


Areas of focus will include:


  • Composition – developing your point of view

  • Understanding Value – laying in your darks to lights

  • Developing color and temperature

  • Bringing out your highlights and shadows

  • Working the whole canvas. Stand back! Be bold!

  • The ins and outs of painting Plein Air

May 24 - June 9th

Piccolo Spoleto Outdoor Art Exhibition

10:00 to 5:00 Daily

Booth 47
Marion Square, Charleston SC